Acces to my online courses: Only for GSID students

This semester, due the spread of the Corona virus, Principles of Macroeconomics, Development Macroeconomics and Seminar on Economic Development Policy and Management will be implemented online. If you are interested in attending any of these courses, we will be posting the links to our online video meetings and access to other e-learning resources in the following private facebook groups.
- Principles of macroeconomics
- Development macroeconomics
- Research seminar on economic development policy and management
If you are a GSID student, feel free to join and explore any of these courses. Just indicate your student status in the application form and you will be accepted within 24-hours.
Note that acceptance to any of the Facebook groups is not an official registration. Students should follow the regular procedure for course registration, which is described in the student handbook. The course Principles of Macroeconomics is just a subsection of the course Basic Mathematics and Economics, which is described in the student handbook. To obtain credit for this course, students should also complete the subsections of Prof. Someya and Prof. Otchia.
Do you have any questions or comments? Please use the following contact form.
- Contact Form: Click HERE
See you in class.