Heterogeneous treatment effects via two-stage DID

Homogeneous Treatment Effects

  • 🎯 Purpose: Estimate treatment effects when the treatment is not randomly assigned.

  • 📉 Parallel Trends Assumption: In the absence of treatment, the treated and untreated groups would have followed parallel paths over time.

  • 🔄 Two-Way Fixed-Effects (TWFE) Model:

    • Static Model:

    $$ y_{igt} = \mu_g + \eta_t + \tau D_{gt} + \epsilon_{igt} $$

    • $ y_{igt} $: Outcome variable.
    • $ i $: Individual.
    • $ t $: Time.
    • $ g $: Group.
    • $ \mu_g $: Group fixed-effects.
    • $ \eta_t $: Time fixed-effects.
    • $ D_{gt} $: Indicator for treatment status.
    • $ \tau $: Average treatment effect on the treated (ATT).
  • Limitations: Assumes constant treatment effects across groups and time, which is often unrealistic.

Heterogeneous Treatment Effects

  • 🔄 Enhanced TWFE Model: $$ y_{igt} = \mu_g + \eta_t + \tau_{gt} D_{gt} + \epsilon_{igt} $$
    • Allows treatment effects ($ \tau_{gt} $) to vary by group and time.
    • Aggregates group-time average treatment effects into an overall average treatment effect ($ \tau $).

Dynamic Event-Study TWFE Model

  • 🔄 Model: $$ y_{igt} = \mu_g + \eta_t + \sum_{k=-L}^{-2} \tau_k D_{gt}^k + \sum_{k=0}^{K} \tau_k D_{gt}^k + \epsilon_{igt} $$

    • Allows for treatment effects to change over time.
    • $ D_{gt}^k $: Lags and leads of treatment status.
    • Coefficients ($ \tau_k $) represent the average effect of being treated for $ k $ periods.
  • 🎯 Estimation Goals:

    • Objective: Estimate the average treatment effect of being exposed for $ k $ periods.
    • Average Treatment Effect: $$ \tau_k = \sum_{g,t : t-g=k} \frac{N_{gt}}{N_k} \tau_{gt} $$
      • $ N_{gt} $: Number of observations in group $ g $ and time $ t $.
      • $ N_k $: Total number of observations with $ t - g = k $.

Negative Weighting Problem

  • Issue: Traditional TWFE models can produce estimates with negative weights, leading to biased overall treatment effect estimates.
  • 🛠 Solution by Gardner (2021):
    • Use a two-stage approach to estimate group and time fixed-effects from untreated/not-yet-treated observations and then estimate treatment effects using residualized outcomes.

Two-stage differences in differences

  • 🌱 Gardner (2021) Approach:

    • 🔍 Key Insight: Under parallel trends, group and time effects are identified from the untreated/not-yet-treated observations.

    • 📜 Procedure:

      1. 🥇 First Stage:

        • Estimate the model:

          \begin{equation} y_{igt} = \mu_g + \eta_t + \epsilon_{igt} \end{equation}

        • Using only untreated/not-yet-treated observations ($D_{gt} = 0$).

        • Obtain estimates for group and time effects ($\mu_g$ and $\eta_t$).

      2. 🥈 Second Stage:

        • Regress adjusted outcomes ($y_{igt} - \mu_g - \eta_t$) on treatment status ($D_{gt}$) in the full sample to estimate treatment effects ($\tau$).
    • 🎯 Rationale:

      • The parallel trends assumption implies that residuals ($\epsilon_{igt}$) are uncorrelated with the treatment dummy, leading to a consistent estimator for the average treatment effect.
Learn by coding using this Google Colab notebook.
Carlos Mendez
Carlos Mendez
Associate Professor of Development Economics

My research interests focus on the integration of development economics, spatial data science, and econometrics to understand and inform the process of sustainable development across regions.

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